
Monday, February 20, 2012

Pilipinas Akyathlon Results

taken during one of his trainings in Baguio

Josiah Outruns the Country’s Elite Runners

The first-ever International Skyrace in the Philippines has just been concluded. And Josiah Ballagan awed everybody with his very strong performance! The event was a 33-km out and back run in Mt Ugo in Itogon, Benguet last Saturday (February 18).

Josiah finished fifth overall and second among locals with a time of 4:05:40. The Kenyans ruled the race with Chirchir Jackson finishing with a time of 3:42:36 and compatriot Eliud Kprugut Kering finishing after 3:46:08. A local runner from Bicol, Mario Maglinao came in 3rd with 3:59:46 who was followed by the Malaysian Saffrey Sumping with 4:01:14. But the very strong uphill runner Josiah was the third to reach the summit (behind the two Kenyans).

Thursday, February 9, 2012

CANCER Kissed My Ass

1. What is Cancer Kissed My Ass?

a. When/How was the inception?

Showing my ass in public started after I survived colon cancer (Stage 3 Recto-Sigmoid CA). That was in 2005. Nurses and doctors often saw my butt during radiation therapy, colonoscopy and other procedures. Nasanay na lang siguro ako.  One of my doctors recommended only one option – “colostomy” (a surgical procedure that involves cutting the anus, connecting a part of the colon onto the anterior abdominal wall which leaves the patient with an opening on the abdomen) which means I cannot use my ass again. But God didn’t allow that to happen. But miracles do happen! During the operation they discovered that colostomy wasn’t necessary. Praise God!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Geronimo Rectum Pablo

Who is Geronimo Rectum Pablo?

You might not know his name but you sure as hell have seen his ass in one form or another on the mountaintops of the Philippines!

This ass-showcasing of his has attracted a variety of reactions from outdoorspeople on social networking sites. But what really is the deal behind the behind of Geronimo Rectum Pablo?! You’ll find out soon in my next post.

This man behind the cause 'Cancer Kissed My Ass' will answer the following questions in my next post.

       1.       What is Cancer Kissed My Ass?
a.       When/how was the inception?
b.      Mission and/or vision (or What do you wish to accomplish out of this?)
c.       People behind the scenes
        2.       How do you carry out this project?
a.       How is it similar to / different from other projects?
        3.       What made you start this project?
        4.       Tell me something about rectal cancer(???). How is life with this cancer? How does it feel   to survive this cancer?

        5.       Why should people support your cause?

        6.       Why should people not support your cause?

        7.       Showing your behind in public may seem offensive and lewd to others. How do you react to this?

        8.       Who is Geronimo Rectum Pablo?

       9.       Please provide the website/webpage of this project. I would also like to request for (an) image(s) that I can use in my article.

10.  You may have addressed this in #2 but just in case…One might say ‘There is already CAC! Why don’t you just join them?!’ 

Saturday, February 4, 2012

CALAGUAS: Island Paradise of the East

Calaguas is a group of wave-beaten islands clustering in the Pacific Ocean off the shores of Camarines Norte. When I first heard of this destination, I thought it was just another virgin island anonymously dubbed as the Boracay-of- so-and-so. But in February, 2010, I had to change that line—Boracay is the Calaguas of the West!

I am probably the last travel blogger to write about this destination. I’m sure you’ve already heard and read stories about its beauty and allure. So, here I’ll be sharing something that you might not have heard of yet about the destination. But the reader must take note that this is based on the blogger’s experience in February 2010. Things may have drastically changed through time.